Every Wednesday, Dani at Pen To Paper features Wishlist Wednesday, a meme in which you can list a book that you really want to read or keep meaning to get. These are books that you want to add to your wishlist, and believe me there are plenty! I've decided to use Dani's feature every Wednesday :)
So what do you need to do to join in?
- Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
- Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
- Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
- Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of her post.
- Put a link back to pen to paper (http://vogue-pentopaper.blogspot.com) somewhere in your post.
- Visit the other blogs and enjoy!
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.
Goodreads Synopsis:
It happens at the start of every November: the Scorpio Races. Riders attempt to keep hold of their water horses long enough to make it to the finish line. Some riders live. Others die.
At age nineteen, Sean Kendrick is the returning champion. He is a young man of few words, and if he has any fears, he keeps them buried deep, where no one else can see them.
Puck Connolly is different. She never meant to ride in the Scorpio Races. But fate hasn’t given her much of a chance. So she enters the competition — the first girl ever to do so. She is in no way prepared for what is going to happen.
I really want this book. It hasn't quite been released just yet - 18th October 2011. So I have only just added it to my wishlist. I have enjoyed the Wolves of Mercy Falls series; hopefully this one will be just as good. I recently saw this book on someones blog, they really liked it. I hope I can get a copy soon!!

I love the name of your blog!
I'm a chocoholic too so I completely relate!
I hope you get a copy of your wishlist book soon! I'd love to read your review.
Megan @ Storybook Love Affair
Waow. It sounds VERY interesting, I've never heard of it before but I'll need to check it out. Thank you for recommending it and I hope you get it :)
Here's my WW post for this week. :)
Vicky xxx
I'm still yet to read any of hers - I don't know why, I've been really excited about them, so my reasons for having not read one yet aren't really clear :P
Will have to get one read soon - after all the review copies I have to get through haha!
OMG IT'S THAT BOOK. I really want to read that novel, it seems amazing! Great choice~
Sounds interesting, I know the author but have yet to read any of hers, though I keep seeing them and getting close to picking one up.
Lindsay x
I;ve heard such wonderful things about this author but have yet to read anything by her!!
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
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