This weeks Top Ten list is:
Top Ten Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time
There are some books which have such a profound effect on you at the time, wouldn't it be good to read these books again for the first time so you could have that feeling all over again. Here is my choice for this weeks top ten Tuesday.
Before I Go To Sleep by S.J Watson.
I remember having to pick my jaw from up the floor with this one. This book really gave me a rolelrcoaster ride, all the twist and turns.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver.
This was a great book, I would love to read this again for the first time. I remember when I was reading it I thought it was such a good idea for a story. I really wanted to find out what was going to happen to the main character.
Shades of Grey by Jasper FForde.
I only blogged about this book yesterday, this was the first book I'd read by this author. I really would love to delve into this dystopian world for the first time. Fab book! I'm going to have to re-read this one soon!
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.
I would really love to be reading this series for the first time. I fell in love with Edward and Jacob and went on a thrilling ride into their world. I never have a bad word to say about these books.
Dead Until Dark - Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris.
This has to be my favourite book series of all. I love the characters and this series started my love for paranormal books. I wish I could go back and read this for the first time.
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma.
Such a taboo subject but it threw up such conflicting feelings. I remember reading this book and still reeling from the aftershock a week later.
Room by Emma Donoghue.
I would love to be reading this for the first time again. It was a book that was so clevery written. A truly touching story of 5 year old Jack and his Ma.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
I don't think there is a Roald Dahl book that I've ever disliked. They are all magical, but this book certainly was brilliant. Oh to go back and experience to the wonders for the first time!!
Rose of the Prophet series by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman.
I loved this dystopian world. Oh to go back and fall in love with the main character again. Read this series in my teens and loved it. I'm going to have to read this again soon, I hope I can recapture the magic :D

Before I Go to Sleep must be great, I'd loveeee to read that one. :D
I've seen Room on a number of lists this week which makes me really excited to read it. It's been on my wish list since it came out.
Another entry for Twilight!
Twilight made my list too.
My Top Ten:
I still have Delirium sitting on my shelf. I definitely need to read it. Great list!
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