Released : 18th October 2011
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Series :Yes #1Format :Kindle
Source : Digital ARC from Netgalley
Buy at : Amazon - UK Authors Site: Lia Habel
Rating: 5/5
Cover Rating: 5/5
Goodreads Synopsis:
Love conquers all, so they say. But can Cupid’s arrow pierce the hearts of the living and the dead—or rather, the undead? Can a proper young Victorian lady find true love in the arms of a dashing zombie?
The year is 2195. The place is New Victoria—a high-tech nation modeled on the manners, mores, and fashions of an antique era. A teenager in high society, Nora Dearly is far more interested in military history and her country’s political unrest than in tea parties and debutante balls. But after her beloved parents die, Nora is left at the mercy of her domineering aunt, a social-climbing spendthrift who has squandered the family fortune, and now plans to marry her niece off for money. For Nora, no fate could be more horrible—until she’s nearly kidnapped by an army of walking corpses.
But fate is just getting started with Nora. Catapulted from her world of drawing-room civility, she’s suddenly gunning down ravenous zombies alongside mysterious black-clad commandos and confronting “The Laz,” a fatal disease that raises the dead—and hell along with them. Hardly ideal circumstances. Then Nora meets Bram Griswold, a young soldier who is brave, handsome, noble . . . and dead. But as is the case with the rest of his special undead unit, luck and modern science have enabled Bram to hold on to his mind, his manners, and his body parts. And when his bond of trust with Nora turns to tenderness, there’s no turning back. Eventually, they know, the disease will win, separating the star-crossed lovers forever. But until then, beating or not, their hearts will have what they desire.
In Dearly, Departed, steampunk meets romance meets walking-dead thriller, spawning a madly imaginative novel of rip-roaring adventure, spine-tingling suspense, and macabre comedy that forever redefines the concept of undying love.
My Review:
I was given a copy of this book to review by Netgalley.
This book is set in the future the year is 2195. After a volcano nearly wiped out mankind, the survivors flee to safe areas and a new world is formed. Nora the main character lives in a region called The New Victorians, this society has be shaped upon the Victorian era but with a modern twist. There are Victorian values but technology is futuristic. Nora has been mourning her father after he passed away a year ago. But a meeting with a stranger on her way home from school turns her world upside down and thrusts her into a world she knew nothing about.
Oh my goodness, I could not get enough of this book and the characters. This is the second zombie based novel I have ever read and it was amazing. I was a little bit sceptical of how the story was going to work, but Lia Habel wove a rich mixture of steampunk, romance and zombie apocalypse. Before I started the book I was thinking, mmmm isn’t it a bit icky to have the main heroine falling in love with a zombie.... how exactly does that work? But as the story progressed you could see that it was indeed possible and you put aside the doubt. I was starting to fall for Bram myself, what a gentleman!
From the word go this book had me gripped from the start. I liked the prologue and then right at the beginning the first few chapters explained the world in which Nora lived. I really liked the way the story told how the new world was formed, it explained how the new futuristic Victorian era was created. I liked the fast paced story and the way the chapters kept jumping from character to character; it was good to get different points of view. I did have some heart in the mouth moments; it certainly kept me on my toes. I was really sad to finish this book, as I was left wanting more.
There were several characters that I really liked, but I have to say Bram and Nora totally won me over. They are very likable – which I have to say is a huge plus point – and you can see their devotion and loyalty to their family and friends. I love the chemistry between these two characters.
I can highly recommend this book, I absolutely adored it and I want to read more by this author.
My rating: 5/5 – this doesn’t get any better for me, I loved it!!
Cover Rating: 5/5 – Such a pretty cover, I think it is so eye catching. The colour scheme is dark and brooding and you can see a Victorian element.
About the Author:
Lia Habel is in her twenties and lives in western New York State. She is fascinated by zombie movies and Victoriana, interests that eventually led her to write Dearly, Departed. When she first got an agent, she was literally opening envelopes for a living. By the time the auction for Dearly, Departed was held, she was considering food stamps. Now that she has a book contract, she is busy working on the follow-up to Dearly, Departed, entitled Dearly, Beloved. Lia Habel can be found on Facebook and Myspace, and she has a blog at

ok, dropping wat i'm reading . k cn read 3 books at atime , can i ? lol
lovly review
WOW, omg, I totally feel like reading this book now. I had the same thoughts too! Like how icky can it be that the heroine would fall for an undead. Isn't he like, rotting? Is it really that good? I can't wait to start on it now!!
Great review, by the way!
It was really good. I wasn't sure how it would work out but it does, some good ideas about the zombies too.
I'm REALLY looking forward to reading this one now!! :) Might have to make it one of my next review copies that I read! xxx
I would bump it up the pile Dani. It's not too gory either :D
Sounds interesting. I can already tell I'll hate the Aunt, so thanks for the heads up. :D
I need more zombie books, and I'm curious to see how well the zombies and steampunk mix. I'm glad to see so many awesome reviews of Dearly, Departed.
I've been thinking about this book for a while, I love your review. Sounds great.
that sound great and would love to read it and blog n it
the book does sound interesting! great review :)
I think I've heard of this one, but I've not seen this cover before... strange... ( :
Zombie romance! I didn't think it could be done but these characters sound great:)
Thanks for the review. I didn't love this one as much as you. It was just o.k. for me, and I never was able to put my finger on what bothered me about it. I agree that both Bram and Nora's characters are great and they are fun together, but for me something was missing.
This book sounds good and I'm intrigued in the contrasting of these genres.
Thanks for the review!
This sounds like a great book. Your enthusiasm is catchy, and I am excited to read it. The author looks like a living doll, by the way!
I've heard loads of great things about this book, so it's definitely on my wish list! I'm eager to have a zombie make my heart melt *grins*
This book is going right on my TBR list at the top, great review
I'm not a fan of zombie books, but this cover has lured me in:) I seriously need to find a parasol/umbrella? like that :)
Thanks for the great review!
First I saw the cover, I already fell in love with this book. And then I read your review, what can I say...I must buy this book. Already added to my list.
Thank u for the review :)
i love the riview....and i love the cover too....^^
Great review! I heard so many great things about this novel.
I won a copy of this recently and after reading this review, I'll have to move it up on my TBR pile.
I just got my copy in the mail today! The cover is so gorgeous!! I can't wait to read it.
Nice review, now I want to rad this book.
I absolutely loved this book and totally agree with your review. Bram had to be one of the sweetest heroes I have ever read about even if he is a zombie. This was actually my first zombie book I had ever read and I wasn't sure how it would be, but in the end it was amazing!
Great Review(:
Zombies + Furistic world. Oh my. I'd get a copy of this. And. I agree. Isn't it a little weird to fall in love with a zombie? I haven't read a zombie novel so I feel like this has to be the first one! Really nice review. Can't wait to get my hands on this book. :)
Like you I was skeptical about the synopsis, but the cover has drawn me in. I am so glad that you enjoyed it and that now my interest is not just as a cover lover :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I would love to read this book!
I've never read a zombie book before so this one sounds interesting. Your review only makes me want to read it even more!!
WOW I had been eyeing this book in my local book store, now I just cannot wait to get my hands on it! The author looks sooo gorgeous! Thank you for the review!
I so want this book! I hope I'll be able to get it soon. This review made me even more excited since I've never read a zombie book before. It'll be interesting for sure!
I heard so many good thing about this book and now i can't wait to read it.A book with only zombies is something new for me.Now that i read your review i want to read the book soon!Thank you!
I'm dying to read this book! I've heard only good things and it will be my first zombie book!
This sounds really interesting. I haven't read any zombie books before (though I love The Walking Dead) and I've heard awesome things about it so I'm thinking about giving it a chance.
I really wasn't sure if I'd like this one because I don't read a lot of historical or steampunk and it seemed to have elements of both. I'm really glad I gave it a try since I ended up loving it, though :]
Great review! I've been avoiding this book because of the fact that the love interest is a zombie (Eew!) but if he's able to win you over, it's definitely at the top of my TBR pile! :D
I read this very recently -- I totally agree with your review. Totally cool book, huh?
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Before I read Dearly, Departed, I was so excited to read it. But as I read it, my excitement fell. I found Dearly, Departed a bit confusing in terms of what was going on because the POVs changed so quickly. It was nice that the name of the person narrating was put at the top of the chapter, but it drove me insane. Hm... It is nice to see another person's opinion who differs from one's own. Maybe I will have to check Dearly, Departed out again.
I was so concerned that I wouldn't like this book that I borrowed Dearly, Departed from the library but I loved it so much, I need to buy it.
I know switching POV's confuses some people, but I loved it...especially in this book. Great review.
Woo-Hooo!! I've been wanting to read this! Love Steampunk! Thank you for the great review.
I agree I was skeptical as well as to how a zombie and a living person could fall in love but she made it work out really well. I can't wait to read the next one. She had a great supporting cast of characters too. THey didn't feel hollow like a few of the books I've read recently. Warm Bodies is another zombie/living romance that I enjoyed.
Awesome review!I heard so many good things about this book and i really want to read it.Now after i read your review definitely i'm going to read it!
Great review! Now I really want to read the book.
Thank you ^_^
I was nervous to read a zombie book myself, normally I will read paranormal books but I too was skeptical of how a zombie book would turn out. But it turned out to be an amazing book I couldn't get enough either, especially of Bram! HA HA Loved it and your review!
Wonderful review! I can't wait to start my copy of the book :) Your review has me all excited to read it.
It sounds like an intriguing mix of elements, and I know that any author who could pull that off would be worth reading . . . but it also seems kind of gimmicky. Like the latest, most outrageous way to present the same old YA Romance. But I think I'd give it a chance just to see how Bram holds on to his humanity: it seems there's a real question here about what humanity is.
i really wanted to read this book it is in my to read list (my very long one!!).
thanks for the review it gave a better insight about it :D
This is one of my favorite books ever. I think hot zombies may be my new favorite thing! I really enjoyed reading your review. Like you, I don't think there was a badly written or unneeded character in the book, but Bram and Nora were just amazing characters. I love them both and can't wait to meet them again in Dearly, Beloved. I really hope that something major happens and Nora doesn't lose Bram in only a few short years. It would break her (mine) heart.
Thanks again for a great review, and a great blog altogether!
great review....the cover is awesome...i want to buy this one in bookdepository...but the HC is expensive :(
paperback is cheapest but the cover is different from this one..i don't like it..
anyway...i love zombie's i will read this book....thx u for ur review :)
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