I thought I'd join in again with this blog hop hosted by Crazy For Books because it was really fun last time. Not only is it a book blog hop, but you also get to answer a really cool question. This is the 2nd time I'm participating in this blog hop :)
For more details or to join in the hop Click Here
This weeks question:
“What is your favorite spooky book (i.e. mystery/suspense, thriller, ghost story, etc.)?”
I read this one years ago, had to read it in the daytime and not at night as it gave me the creeps. Good book though. I've got to re-read this one again as it's been a long time.

I read Pet Semetary when I was younger and can't actually remember that much about it although I seem to remember it was creepy.
My choice is here: http://killie-booktalk.blogspot.com/2011/10/book-blogger-hop-9.html
I've never really been inclined to read a Stephen King - I prefer a little more upbeat reading. Although, saying that, my choice for this week is quite dark!
I'm loving the new blog layout by the way, Jen! Lovely!
I don't dislike Stephen King's novels, some of them have been absolout crackers! I thought it was time for new blog layout, I like this one :D
Jen xx
Stephen King is ALWAYS scary, but PET SEMETARY is one that scared the snot out of me! Good pick.
Glad to have found you via the Hop!
PET SEMATARY is the only Stephen King book I've read, and it gave me nightmares for weeks!! Great choice. :)
For the most part, I can't handle scary books, but I might be willing to read Stephen King's The Green Mile.
it is a great book, love Stephen King. I am going to read the 3 exorcist books for Halloween
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
Yes spookey month = Spooky book time :D x
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