Each week I do a feature called Blog to Blog. Blog to Blog is where I will choose a blog and ask the blog owner questions. I always choose blogs that I really enjoy.
This week I've chosen Kayleigh from
First of all I would like to welcome Kayleigh and thank her for taking part in this feature.
What is your blog mainly about?
My blog is mainly about Books. Really anything book related, whether it is cover reveals, reviews and just general book news.
How did you come up with your blog name?
It's actually really quite silly. When I was starting my blog I really didn't have a clue what to call it, I knew I wanted Books in the name coz that's what my blog is all about but didn't really know what a name of it could be. I'm not a very creative person and after sitting for ages thinking of names and not coming up with anything I decided on K-Books. K is and my intial, so it's a really stupid way of coming up with a blog name but I like it.
What inspired you to start blogging?
I've been an avid reader for years and love reading new books in different genres and it really became an obsession. I can't go a day without reading and I'm always searching the web for news on new books and my favourite authors when I came across of a couple of book blogs. I had recently just started writing reviews on Goodreads, they weren't very good at the time, and I thought I would start a blog to post my reviews and post and bookish news that I came across and let other book obsessives like me know.
What piece of advice would you give to new bloggers?
Don't give up just because it's confusing and ask other bloggers for help. I was so confused when I started blogging and didn't really know what I was doing. If I couldn't do something I got really frustrated and felt like giving up because I couldn't do it. Instead I emailed some of the bloggers that I follow and asked for advice on how to do that particular thing. They were really nice and helpful, so I would say just ask someone if you get confused and don't give up. It does get easier.
What book would you recommend?
OMG this is such a hard question for me because I love so many books. I think right now, I would have to recommend The Hunger Games. I'm really into Dystopian books right now and if I hadn't read The Hunger Games I wouldn't have read any Dysopian, so it's thanks to that trilogy that I found a new favourite genre. Besides the movie is coming out in about 5 months, so if you haven't already, go read them before the movie. You won't be disappointed.
Name three of your favourite authors:
1. Richelle Mead
2. Cecelia Ahern
3. Paige Toon
All in very different genres but I just love their writing style and the worlds they create.
Which three blogs would you recommend?
Book Passion For Life
YA Aholic
They're the three that I am always always checking for their new posts. They're great and the bloggers are great friends of mine =)
Have you got anything exciting coming up on your blog?
Yes! A couple of things. I've just hit 200 followers, so I am currently organising a 200 Follower giveaway, it will be posted in a couple of weeks. I already have a giveaway up at the moment and want to wait till that has finished first.
Also I will have an early-ARC review of Pyxis by K. C. Neal and a giveaway of it as well. K.C. kindly sent me and three other bloggers early-ARC's, so copies before the ARC's even go out to other bloggers. So I am super excited about that.
Once again thank you Kayleigh for taking the time to answer my questions :D Some really good answers there!!
If you would like your blog to feature on my weekly Blog to Blog just let me know! Just drop me a line at jen.juckes@virgin.net

Greetings from Southern California
I am your newest follower
Have a Nice Day :-)
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