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Here is my choice for this weeks Time Will Come:
Incubus (Fairwick Chronicles #1) by Carol Goodman
Goodreads Synopsis:
Dr. Callie McFay travels to the small college town of Fairwick in New York State for a job interview. Despite it being her second choice she finds herself talked into accepting a job offer from the Folklore Department to teach a class on demons and vampires. She also finds herself drawn to an old house in the woods where Gothic novelist Dahlia LaMotte used to live and buys it on a whim, despite the seeming reluctance of the estate agent to sell it to her.
But on the night of her job interview, she had a very vivid erotic dream about a man made out of shadows and moonlight, and this dream becomes a regular occurrence when she moves into her new home. Callie starts to feel like a heroine in one of the gothic novels she teaches as slowly it dawns on her that things at the college – and in her home – are not what they seem. She learns that her house is supposed to be haunted by LaMotte’s former lover and her new – and rather strange – colleagues tell her an unfamiliar fairy tale about an incubus-demon with a human past who was enchanted by a fairy queen…
I was given this book to read by Dani at Pen to Paper when we went on our trip to Hay. She really recommended it and gave it 5 stars, which is excellent. We have very similar reading tastes - well apart from the Tenderness of Wolves......... anyway not going there! I'm really looking forward to getting round to this as the story sounds interesting and just look at that cover!! I could just sit there all day and look at it, FAB. I've got a few review books to get through first and then hopefully I should be able to read it soon.
What books have you got on your to-read pile and really want to read soon?

oooooh sounds good Jenny! Hope you get to read it soon. Looking forward to your review of it too!
This one sounds good!! I had seen it on a few blogs, but hadn't realised what it's really about. Hope you get round to it soon!
I'm not normally in to this kind of thing but this one sounds really good. I like the mixture of paranormal creatures. Hope you get to it soon!
No Jen, let's not go into The Tenderness of Wolves .. although, I still stand by that being a great read!! ;P
You'll absolutely love this one though - I know it's right up your street! :) I really hope you get to read it soon, you won't want to put it down once you've started it!!
Dani :) xxx
P.s. I'll point out that this is the same novel as The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark (a pen name of Carol Goodman), and this is the title under which I reviewed it. Go to: http://vogue-pentopaper.blogspot.com/2011/10/demon-lover-by-juliet-dark-review.html
to see my review :)
Thanks for allowing me that little plug there Jen ;) xxx
I read this book under the title The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark- then I saw this one on Amazon and got very confused! It took me ages to work out that it was the same book! I did really like this one though, even though it wasn't what I thought it would be. Hope you enjoy it when you get to it!
This book sounds good, the cover is pretty too. (=
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