This weeks Top Ten list is:
Ten Books Perfect For Reading Around Halloween
Ooooh this list sounds fun to compile. I must admit I don't really read many ghost stories so I will have to pick other spooky books with supernatural creatures. Ok here are my top ten perfect books for the spooky season :D
1. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan - lovely and spooky with the unconsecrated moaning behind the fences. A really thrilling read!
2. Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel - Sticking to the zombie theme here, but totally different because this one features a zombie boy as the hero and love interest of the main character. Didn't think it could work but it did.
3. The Secret Circle by L J Smith
Now moving onto witches. This was a good read about a girl called Cassie who had no idea she was a witch. Not until a strange encounter with a boy called Adam who changed her world and opened her eyes to the hertiage her mother was trying to shield her from.
4. The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.
A firm favourite of mine and holds host to a number of supernatural species.
5. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
This one was spooky as it featured ghosts and other supernatural ghoulies. My first ever book by this author and I loved it.
6. Soulless by Gail Carriger
This is has a mix of spooky creatures and supernatural creatures. I loved this series.
7. Paranormalcy by Kierstin White
A normal girl surrounded by paranormal beings. This was a good book, I have the second one in the series to read - I can't wait!
8. Heretic by Sarah Singleton
Fairies and spookiness. This one left me spooked.
9. The Magic Cottage by James Herbert
This is a spooker! Dark magic and the poor tenants who endured hell when they rented the Magic Cottage. I read this one years ago and it has stayed in my mind.
10. Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher.
The main character Harry Dresden is a wizard and also a paranormal investigator. I've only read the first book in the series, I have most of them waiting to be read.
What spooky books would you recommend??

I can't believe The Forest of Hands and Teeth didn't enter my mind!! Aggh!
Great post Jen :) xx
I can't remember why but I remember having a great dislike for Forest of Hands and Teeth... hmm... must read it again. Heretic looks intriguing! I really must get around to reading my copy of The Graveyard Book too!
I've seen Paranormalcy highly recommended a few times lately - is it really that good? I'm hesitant about it.
I really enjoyed the LJ Smith book I read a while back; I don't think I have this one. It sounds good!
I have to say, I didn't like Storm Front at all! He really irritated me.
I highly recommend the Blood Ties Series by Jennifer Armintrout. They are sooo good. You'll probably have to pick them up at a secondhand book store or amazon/ebay though.
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I think I have the first book in the Blood Ties series somewhere on my bookcase. I will have to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation :D
Heretic is one of my fave reads x
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