Time Flies Friday is a weekly feature/blog hop hosted by Gemma at Passion for Novels. This is where we feature a book that we loved as a child, one that we cherish and remember.
This week I have chosen:
George's Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.
Amazon Synopsis:
George's grandma is a grizzly, grumpy, selfish old woman with pale brown teeth and a small puckered-up mouth like a dog's bottom. Four times a day she takes a large spoonful of thick brown medicine, but it doesn't seem to do her any good. She's always just as horrid after she's taken it as she was before. So when George is left alone to look after her one morning, it's just the chance he needs... I've picked this book because I love love love Roald Dahl's books, they were my foundation blocks for reading. They kept me entertained as a child for hours and hours. This one in particular has stuck in my mind. I think it has to do with the sentence that George used to describe his Grandma, it still has me in stitches - "A selfish old woman with pale brown teeth and a smalle puckered up mouth like a dog's bottom." Hilarous!!! I think his writing appeals to children (and adults) because of his wicked sense of humour. I would recommend this to any parent who want their child to start reading.
What are your favourite books from your childhood??

Nice choice Jenny! This is one of the ones I never got round to reading and a lot of people say I should have!!
Love Gemma
Le petit prince is a favorite :)
I would love a follow back!
That is a funny way to describe one's grandma:)
Aw Jenny I loved this book, we read it in school. I also loved and would pick the BFG also Roald Dahl
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
Yes Lainy the BFG was going to be my 2nd choice. I haven't read all his books. I must get round to them one day :D xx
Love Roald Dahl but haven't seen this one. I will have to check it out!!
New Follower from Blog hop till you drop. Hoping you will follow back! =0)
My Crazy Life
Ha! Sounds like a great book to get for my grandkids or for their grandma :-)
God bless and have a wonderful week! :-)
This book is so funny, I loved it as a child and have it to read to the kids as soon as we are finished with the BFG x
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