
Thursday 29 September 2011

The Time Will Come #5

Every Thursday, Jodie at Books For Company hosts The Time Will Come, a meme in which we list a book that we really want to read or keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books that have been on the TBR shelf for awhile now but also they can be books that have just come into my home.

If you'd like to join in?

  • Pick a book you have been meaning to read
  • Do a post telling us about the book
  • Link the post up in the linky on Jodie's blog.
  • Visit the other blogs!
Here is my choice for this weeks Time Will Come:

 Wither (Chemical Romance #1) by Lauren DeStefano

Goodreads Synopsis:

Obviously, something went terribly wrong. Genetic mutations have festered, reducing human longevity to twenty-five, even less for most women. To prevent extinction, young girls are kidnapped, mated in polygamous marriages with men eager to procreate. Sixteen-year-old Rhine Ellery, a recent victim of this breeding farm mentality, has vowed to break loose from its fetters; but finding allies and a safe way out is a challenge she can only hope she will survive. A dystopian fantasy series starter with wings.

I got this book on my recent trip to Birmingham with some friends.  The cover was really eye catching and when I read the blurb on the back cover; well I thought this was definetly my thing.  I'm really into the whole science vs human ethics.  I've recently read Bumped by Megan McCarthy and last night finished A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan which was fantastic (review coming soon), these were very much in the same sort of vein to this book. I really want to read this book soon! 

What are your thoughts on this book?  Have you read it?


Kathy Ann Coleman said...

Bumped was a fantastic book; I read it in August and really loved it. Wither is very good too. A bit darker then Bumped, but very much worth reading. I am anxiously awaiting the sequels to both (Thumped and Fever respectively) and I can't wait to find out what will happen next. I hope that you enjoy Wither.

Amber said...

I've read Wither and really enjoyed it. I loved the world DeStefano created and I couldn't wait to see where it as going. I'd say to definitely give it a try! I can't wait for the second novel to come out!

Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

I read Wither, LOVED IT! It was so freaking good! AMAZING!!! I hope you get to read it soon!

sam1978 said...

I am loving this cover!

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