Every Tuesday The Broke and the Bookish hosts Top Ten Tuesday, a meme in which a new and different top ten list appears.
This weeks Top Ten list is:
Top Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf For The Longest But I've Never Read
Oh my word, there are just so many to choose from. With a humungous tbr pile I could be here all day. Some day I will read all the books I have here at home....... I will :D
1. One Day by David Nicholls – How long has this sat on my shelf, too long. Crazy really as I do actually want to read this. I did almost pick this one up when the movie came out. I have a strict policy of reading a book before I see the movie.
2. The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde – I so want to read this! But never seem to get round to it. I bought this in hardback – which I don’t normally do – it’s been sat there that long it’s now been released in paperback. I love this author so there is no excuse! I have to mention the cover as it is fab, gorgeous design and the texture of it is like dragon scales :)
3. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini – Now I really enjoyed reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. I bought the Kite Runner soon after I finished his other book. Why haven’t I read it.... I don’t know really. Silly really because I know I will enjoy it.
4. The Gunslinger by Stephen King – I’ve had this sat on my bookshelves for so long now. I think it must have an inch thick of dust. I have all the books in the Dark Tower Series to read, sat there waiting. I do want to read this as I think it would be very different to his other books. I like the thought of a fantasy book written by this author.
5. Fool Moon by Jim Butcher – This is book two in the Dresden Files series. I read the first book, Storm Front, about six months ago and I really enjoyed it. I have about 5 more books in the series waiting to be read. I’ve actually included this book in a book challenge I’m taking part in – 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge. So hopefully it wont stay there for much longer.
6. Postmortem by Patricia Cornwell – I’ve had all of this series sat waiting to be read on my bookshelves now for over 5 years. That’s shameful really as I think I would enjoy. The Scarpetta series is one of the first lot of books I ever got. I should at least get this first book in the series read.
7. Schools Out - Forever by James Patterson – This is the second book in the Maximum Ride series. I loved the story of these bird children. The first book was really good. So no excuse time to crack on with the series. I have most of them sat waiting on the shelves. This series is completly different to the crime series he writes about.
8. The Day of theTriffids by John Wyndham – I saw this on tv when I was a younger. It was a black and white movie and it really stuck in my mind. I would like to read the book to find out more of the story. I’ve had this on the bookshelf for a couple of years now.
9. The Poisonwood Bibleby Barbara Kingsolver – Dani at Pen to Paper recommended this book to me when we first met. Sorry Dani lol. I found a copy in a second hand bookshelf but it has stayed on my bookshelf unread. I do want to read it as I have read Prodigal Summer & The Bean Trees and I really enjoyed them. So with the praise from Dani and the experience I already have with this author....well.. there is no excuse!
10. The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen – This is the first book in the Rizzoli & Isles series. I have also been sent a recommendation by another friend (Julie) to get these read. I’ve got all of them in the series waiting to be read. But first I think I will read her standalone books, which I also own, as apparently this series is the best out of her books.
Well I could have carried on with this post as there are so many I have left unmentioned. What books do you have gathering dust on your shelves?? Go on brush off the cobwebs, shake out the bookworms and get them read!!!

I have A Thousand Splendid Suns on my list! And The Kite Runner is another Hosseini book I've been meaning to read. One day we'll both of read it. :)
Jenny! Once you finish reading my comment, stop whatever it is you're doing and go read One Day. Please! :D haha, it's one of my favourite books and I still haven't seen the damned movie. Looks like I'll have to wait until it comes out on dvd. *sigh*
I have to say Jen I've only read two of those! Most of those should be on my list if I'm honest!!! We will get there Jen!!
oh my gosh, stop blogging and go pick up one day! and grab some kleenexes on the way!
The Kite Runner is on my list too, Hopefully I will get around to reading it soon.
Oohh I love Barbara Kingsolver books! Poisonwood Bible is good. I hope you get to it soon ;)
We share The Poisonswood Bible. Day of the Triffids is my favourite Wyndham novel. :)
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. :)
Wow, I haven't thought about The Day of Triffids in ages. I loved it.
Here's My Post
Ahhhhh Jen - You still haven't read The Poisonwood Bible?! You definitely need to! Get it on the 2012 challenge list (if you don't already)!
I've read The Bean Trees and 3/4 of Prodigal Summer - I'm going to be re-reading and finishing that one soon. Every time I tried to read it, Uni work got in the way and then I would forget what was happening. But it was shaping up to be my favourite of hers so far. Need to finish it!! Perhaps as a challenge for Christmas!! I started my second assignments today, so fingers crossed I'll have time over Xmas, and then I have 3 weeks off after the new year :D
Dani :) xxx
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