Booking Through Thursday -this weeks question:
E-readers like the Kindle and iPad are sweeping the nation … do you have one? Do you like it? Do you find it changes your reading/buying habits? If you don’t have one, do you plan to?
I’ve had my Kindle for nearly a year now and I LOVE it!! I find I'm reading so much more now. Before I had a Kindle I never used to take a book out and about with me. But the kindle is so portable and I don’t ever get any bent pages. Because the Kindle is only one page and not two like a paperback, if I get disturbed whilst reading I can easily find my spot again. So I have to truly say that I am a Kindle convert. I didn’t think I would ever get one, but I was going on a long vacation and taking 10 books was totally out of the question. I bought a Kindle especially for this holiday and I never looked back. I still buy both Kindle and Paperback books. I can’t share my Kindle books, that is the only downside.

I've got three - yes, three! Sony, Cybook and Kindle...covered all my formats and I love them all (in different ways of course!).
If I wasn't living in a country where English is not the native language I probably wouldn't have taken the plunge, but now I'm a true convert!
Wow,it's amazing the diversity of opinions on this topic! I don't have one, but I have to admit I'm leaning more toward "buy" than not.
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