Released : 25th October 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Series :Yes #1 in the Clann Series
Format :Kindle
Source : Digital ARC from Netgalley
Buy at : Amazon - UK
Authors Site: Melissa Darnell
Authors Site: Melissa Darnell
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Cover: 3 Stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
Savannah Colbert has never known why she's so hated by the kids of the Clann. Nor can she deny her instinct to get close to Clann golden boy Tristan Coleman. Especially when she recovers from a strange illness and the attraction becomes nearly irresistible. It's as if he's a magnet, pulling her gaze, her thoughts, even her dreams. Her family has warned her to have nothing to do with him, or any members of the Clann. But when Tristan is suddenly everywhere she goes, Savannah fears she's destined to fail.
For years, Tristan has been forbidden to even speak to Savannah Colbert. Then Savannah disappears from school for a week and comes back…different, and suddenly he can't stay away. Boys seem intoxicated just from looking at her. His own family becomes stricter than ever. And Tristan has to fight his own urge to protect her, to be near her no matter the consequences….
My Review:
I was given a copy of this book to review by Netgalley.
I have to say that when I first got this book and read the blurb I was excited. It sounded just my kind of book. I loved the sound of forbidden love with a bit of magic and a dash of vampires. But, I have to say with a heavy heart, it all went wrong for me. All the ingredients were there, but when it was all put together it left a dull and lukewarm delivery. I felt quite frustrated at times.
I have to say that when I first got this book and read the blurb I was excited. It sounded just my kind of book. I loved the sound of forbidden love with a bit of magic and a dash of vampires. But, I have to say with a heavy heart, it all went wrong for me. All the ingredients were there, but when it was all put together it left a dull and lukewarm delivery. I felt quite frustrated at times.
I think the characters lacked depth. I really did struggle to connect with some of them. At one stage I did think about abandoning the book, I am pleased I didn’t, because right near the end it got good. The story somehow managed to save itself, for the first time in the book it got exciting. So the ending has saved it and by doing this, yes I do want to read the next book. So all is not lost!
I would love to have read more about some of the characters like Anne- Savannah’s best friend - I think she was one character who I would have loved to have known more about. Savannah’s Dad too, maybe it would have been interesting to find out about a bit more about his past relationship with Savannah’s Mother. So many different sub stories could have been added but without this the story stayed a bit one dimensional.
Hopefully the next book will explore these other avenues and I really will give this series another shot. I didn’t hate this book; I just found it a bit mediocre and predictable.
My Rating: 3.5/5 The ending has given it an extra half a star
Cover Rating: 3/5 I like the cover, but sadly it doesn’t leave much of an impact.
About the Author:
Melissa Darnell is a book lover through and through. In addition to authoring a growing list of adult and YA fiction and nonfiction books on a wide assortment of topics and genres, she is also a freelance book editor, layout and cover designer, and ebook formatter with more than 75 books to her professional credit. She wrote her first story in the third grade, was first published in the sixth grade when her poem was selected for an anthology, and has since won several regional and national essay contests with prizes ranging from the complete Harry Potter collection in hardback to an actual horse with a year's worth of feed in the 1992 Ponies of America essay contest. Born in California, she grew up in East Texas and has also called the following states home at one time or another: Utah, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, and Iowa. A former award-winning dancer with 12 years' formal training in jazz, tap, and ballet, she currently lives in South Dakota with her husband and two children, where she enjoys watching Whale Wars, UFC matches and True Blood, trying out new hair colors, designing fun stuff to sell in the virtual world of Second Life, and of course writing her latest book!

Aw, that sucks. The book looks like it has so much potential! Lol, but at least you enjoyed the ending.
Really? I thought it was a good book. I mean, there really is some good reviews on it... Now, I'm not sure if I want it anymore...
I've been wanting to read this book for awhile now. I usually like books that are published by Harlequin Teen so maybe I will give it a shot.
sorry to hear it wasn't that great. I thought it sounded interesting also. hmmm
This book really attracted me too. I haven't had the chance to read it yet though. I can only hope I enjoy it after your review I don't know. The character development really makes the story for me most of the time.I guess I will just have to see how the story flows.
Have ti admit, I'm a cover lover, sometimes I bought a book without knowing the review just because the cover is gorgeous. And the cover of this book is just mediocre to me. The Lady in white in the middle of the book looked awkward, and the background colour doesn't fit, maybe chili red would be better. Well, this is just my opinion.
I haven't read this book, but I intend to. Reading your review, sorry to hear this book wasnt't great. At first, I thought this book is amazing. But maybe I still will reading this book, just because I'm curious.
I love this cover. I'm disappointed that you thought the characters lacked depth. I love a character-driven novel, not just a fancy storyline. I may still read this some time, but perhaps I won't be in a rush. Thanks so much for your review!
I also got a copy of this book from Net Galley since I'm hearing good buzz about this book. But it seems like that it didn't suffice your reading experience while reading this one. I think I need to check this one out soon. Great review :)
Thanks for your honest review. I bought the book and I really enjoyed it. I think it depends on what you expected.
I have a copy of this book, I've not yet read it. I like your review, I'm sorry you didn't care for the characters. I think I'll put this book on the back burner as I have so many others I'd like to read. thanks for an honest review
I thought that the book was good, maybe your right a little boring at first but it got really good. I just finish reading the second book sacrifice really good.
I just purchased this one. It sounded so good and was on my wishlist forever.
I can't wait to dig into it!
I'm sorry you didn't really like the book. I loved it. I can't wait until the sequel.
GFC: Amber Lane
I agree, it really picked itself up at the end. The whole way through I was between minds whether or not to keep reading, but then I actually came away thinking 'hmm, not so bad actually.'
Even though this is another vampire story, I'd check this out :)
That cover is gorgeous! Too bad you didn't really connect with the characters. I hope that don't happens to me if I ever get to read it.
Its vampire but its is better written than many I've read before
I have had this book on my TBR for a while now, I love vampire stories. Thanks for reminding me why I wanted to read this one.
Great review =) It looks and sounds good. I think I will give it a try =)
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