When a virus makes everyone over the age of eighteen infertile, would-be parents pay teen girls to conceive and give birth to their children, making teens the most prized members of society. Girls sport fake baby bumps and the school cafeteria stocks folic-acid-infused food.
Sixteen-year-old identical twins Melody and Harmony were separated at birth and have never met until the day Harmony shows up on Melody’s doorstep. Up to now, the twins have followed completely opposite paths. Melody has scored an enviable conception contract with a couple called the Jaydens. While they are searching for the perfect partner for Melody to bump with, she is fighting her attraction to her best friend, Zen, who is way too short for the job.
Harmony has spent her whole life in Goodside, a religious community, preparing to be a wife and mother. She believes her calling is to convince Melody that pregging for profit is a sin. But Harmony has secrets of her own that she is running from.
When Melody is finally matched with the world-famous, genetically flawless Jondoe, both girls’ lives are changed forever. A case of mistaken identity takes them on a journey neither could have ever imagined, one that makes Melody and Harmony realize they have so much more than just DNA in common.
Oh where do I start? It was the cover that drew me to this book. It was simple and eye catching. Just shows you can’t judge the book by its cover; as the cover alone would get 4 stars from me.
I thought this book had such promised as the blurb on the back looked really good. I have to admit this book was not easy to get into; the writing style didn’t flow for me at all. I know it’s aimed at a younger audience, rather than me being in my 30’s. I usually have no problem with “tween talk” and have enjoyed many YA novels. But saying that I do feel even the target audience would have struggled; I felt the book was thrust into a world which wasn’t explained all that well. I’m still working out what the MiNet was all about, that could have been explained a bit better.........
This story could have been developed more. I would have loved to have had more history of the Virus that strikes people infertile.
I nearly abandoned this book 20% (was reading on kindle) in. I never really connected with the characters until near the end of the book. For me the ending saved this from heading into the 2 star rating pile. It picked up pace all of a sudden. Would I read anymore in this series if they did come out.....mmmmm... I would have to give it some series thought.
Cover: 4/5 - This was really simple but eye catching. It stood out in the bookstore.
Rating: 2.5/5 – An OK read but I did feel disappointed that the story wasn’t developed me.

aw man I was gonna read it cuz the cover looked good but i only read books if they grab my attention in the beginning
This is such a slow burner. So I wouldn't really recommend it :(
I was caught by the name and to be honest? The name attracted me and I wanted to head to the online bookstore I recently switched to to purchase it. Thankfully I read this review. :)
Thanks for sharing! :D
I almost gae upon it too!
I almist gave up too!
This was really promising book, however, I haven't finished it yet, because it's kind of boring for me :(
Thanks for your honest review. This book was also on my TBR list but now it has been moved down. Writing style and language is very important for me. I was drawn by the cover and blurb too.
I love dystopian novels, but I'm apprehensive about picking this book up based on the negative reviews I have seen. The summary sounds interesting. And twins are always very awesome for me to read about. I might still read it by borrowing the book from the library.
Aw, it's sad to hear about a dystopian that's not that good. Sure, I'm still going to read it, but so far, the reviews have not been good. Yet, i have to agree, the cover is what drew me in.
Oh dear, I downloaded it on my Kindle a few weeks ago but I haven't heard anything good about this book ever since :c And I'm sure you guys are right because this is what most people say.
Thanks for the honest review!
This looked like an interesting dystopian that's actually probable. Now after your review I don't know.
I agree Jenny, the cover is fantastic, simple but fantastic..and I was looking forward to reading this. But now..hmmm, it will wait a bit, when I have more time or less books on my TBR list:) Thanks for this honest review:) Hugs x
Thanks for your honest and great review of this book. This book has been on my list for awhile. I think I will still give it a chance.
Great review, I was debating with myself whether I should read it or not! :]
That's a real shame. I have this book on my TBR shelf but haven't gotten round to it yet. I should still give it a go though. Thanks for the honest review!
This is on my to-read list. I am still gonna give it a chance, although your review kinda makes me wonder now.
I bought this book shortly after discovering NOOK. The book was just O.K. and I felt that the author could have made so much more of it if there were more story.
A true case of "not Quite done."
I cannot wait to read to read this book; its on my to-read list!
That is a shame as I thought it might be a good book, but judging from your review, I may just skip this one. I am in my 30's too!
I've heard mixed things about this book. I guess I'll have to read it and see what the fuss is about. Thanks
I completely agree with your review! I was disappointed in this book and wanted so much more. I thought the virus was the most interesting part of the book and it was never really talked about. I hope Thumped picks up the pace.
thanks for your honest review. I think I am still going to read it, but it just isn't at the top of my tbr pile right now. I tend to like books that others don't, so I will still get to it.
Really? Aww... I was REALLY looking forward to this. I TOTALLY loved the Jessica Darling series. But everyone deserves to voice out their opinion eh? Nevertheless, great review!
Fara @ Tumbling In Books
i was going to give this book a shot even though most of the reviews I've read haven't been that great. I loved your review! I think I'll give this a shot
Well I loved it but I get why so many people didn't. Sometimes it was just too much but I kind of like crayz books :) I'm looking forward for the sequel.
I have never heard of this book, but I think I might still give it a go just because the storyline is different
Too bad that it was disappointing to you. Someday I do wanna read this book to find out for myself. Thanks for sharing the review!
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