I love this picture of Hades, it almost looks like he's laughing. He does pull the most amusing faces. You can tell he is still quite young here as he still has his baby teeth. He's now over two years old, it seems such a long time ago that he was a puppy. I would love to get another dog for Hades, but I have to persuade my Husband - Simon. I have a running joke with Simon that I would replace him with a dog if anything ever happened to him :P

Aww this is soo cute, I can't actually stop taking pictures of my puppy because I know she's going to get bigger!!
Also I have put your button on my blog :) would love it if you'd return the favour :D
And I feel I know you already because Dani talks about you! :D
thanks! xx
Hi Gemma, Yes I would def advise taking as many pictures as you can! They don't stay puppies for long <3
I've returned the favour and put your button on my blog, you'll find it under Dani's button :D
Ha ha ha hope Dani had good things to say ;)
Thanks for following my blog xx
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