
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

***Review*** Cherub: The Recruit by Robert Muchamore

Released: April 2014
Publisher: Hachette Children's Books
Format: Digital ARC
Series: Yes book #1 in the Cherub series
Source: From Netgalley
Find at:  Goodreads | Amazon UK | Waterstones
Author Website: Robert Muchamore

Many thanks to the Publisher & Netgalley for my copy, this is in exchange for an honest review


Number 1 bestselling series, CHERUB celebrates its 10th Anniversary with brand new covers!

Now is your chance to start right back at the beginning with The Recruit.

A terrorist doesn't let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place. The terrorist doesn't know that one of these kids has bugged every room in her house, made copies of all her computer files and stolen her address book. The kid works for CHERUB.

CHERUB agents are aged between ten and seventeen. They live in the real world, slipping under adult radar and getting information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail.

For official purposes, these children do not exist.

The Recruit has also been selected for World Book Night 2014

 My Review:

I was very lucky to meet Robert Muchamore at a blogger event.  So was really keen to read his world renown series Cherub.  This is book one in the series.  It's hugely popular, which sometimes makes me scrutinise and have high expectations.  Sometimes hype can overtake a book.  I was not disappointed and will certainly be reading more in the Cherub series.  This book really appeals to both children and adults.

The book starts off really well, you a propelled into the main characters life before Cherub.  Which isn't very pleasant, this does help with "bonding" with the character and you almost will him on to do well.

It's fast paced and exciting.  Throughout the book you are introduced to more and more of the characters.  Some nicer than others.  You go through the journey with the main character, it's not an easy ride.

My only negative, and this is why this doesn't quite reach the 5 star rating, is that sometimes it can chop really quickly into the next chapter of the main characters life.  I would have liked some of the scenarios to last a bit longer and have had more detail.

I really like the whole child spy theme, it's quite exciting at times.  I've read a few YA spy books and this series so far seems to be holding its own.  I will look forward to the next book in the series.

Overall: Fast paced and edgy.  Really enjoyed this.

My Thoughts on the Cover:  I really like this, almost looks to too dangerous to touch.


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