Released: 27th May 2013
Publisher: Carina
Series: No
Format: Digital ARC
Source: From Netgalley
Author Site: Girl on the Net Blog
Author Twitter: @girlonthenet
Many thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for my review copy, this is in exchange for an honest review.
Goodreads Synopsis:
I’m Girl on the Net. You might know me from my blog. This is some stuff I do with my life.
Why did I write an erotic memoir?
The most obvious answer is ‘because I’m a pervert’ – I like sex; I like talking about it, reading about it, doing it, watching other people do it, and hearing other people’s stories.
This is my story. Don’t read it if you’re going to be offended by whips, submission or lots of sex.
Who am I?
Not telling. And if you think you know, please don’t spoil the secret…
My Review:
I was stepping outside my normal box with this one. After dipping in my toe into the erotic scene I thought I'd give this one a go. I have to say I did think this was good, it was frank it was honest and I found I could not put it down. Okay I have nothing much to compare this book to as I've only read a handful of books in this genre. I even had a handful of comments from friends on Goodreads asking why I was reading this book, well it was a pleasant escape from the norm.
Written by an anonymous blogger called Girl on the Net, the story takes you through different life stages and her experience with sex. I could to certainly relate to certain things and some were eye openers. Just goes to show how comfortable talking about sex has become for women, many years ago it would have remained a mystery.
This book was funny, honest and totally frank, there is a no holds barred approach to Girl on the Net. Even though I'd never heard of this blogger before I have read this book, browsed her blog and subscribed by email. Thank you Girl on the Net for writing a book that secretly we all want to read...... and write :)
I think every girl should read a book like this, if nothing it certainly educates you.
My Thoughts on the Cover:
If I have to be truthful I actually don't like this cover, it doesn't stand out and catch my eye. I think the block of black colour is too much. But I do like the pink high heels.

I have never heard of this I don't think, sometimes it is good to step outside your normal genre!
I'd not heard of this book or the blogger until I stumbled upon it when I was browsing Netgalley. It is worth a peek :)
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