This weeks Top Ten list is:
Top Ten Books I hope Santa Brings
Oooh I hope Santa will be kind this year and send me loads of bookish goodies :D
Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey - This one would be lovely as a pressie from Santa. It sounds an amazing book and I want to read it!!!
Touch of Power by Maria V Snyder- I am a huge lover of this author's work, she is amazing. This is a new series!! Dani at Pen to Paper recently reviewed it and she gave it a top rating, so that's good enough for me :)
Unleashed by Nancy Holder - This is the first book in the Wolf Springs Chronicles. I have seen this advertised a lot of the past few weeks and it has really taken my fancy, so YES PLEASE Santa!
Destined by P C Cast - This is book 9 in the House of Night series. I loved reading the rest of the series and would like to carry on and find out what happens to Zoey Redbird and her clan, oh and also the delicious Stark. YUM!
The Body Finder by Kimberely Derting - This has sat on my wishlist for a little while now and I am still intruiged as to find out what it's about. I would love to read this book as it sounds so different.
The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams - This one really interests me, I have read the blurb and it sounds great. There are some really positive reviews, which is a good thing :)
The Colour of Death by Michael Cordy - I am a huge fan of his work. This is the only book of his I don't own and haven't read. I hope Santa will be kind and bring me a copy of this book.
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey - The title alone intruiges me, let alone reading the blurb. I so want to read this book!!
Witch Song by Amber Argyle - The cover alone makes me want to own a copy of this book. It is so beautiful and haunting. I have seen this around on many blogs, but I'm yet to own a copy.
Lost in Time by Melissa De La Cruz - This is book 6 in the Blue Bloods series. It's a bit like Gossip Girls but with vampires. I have really enjoyed the series so far and would love to read this book.
Which books would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas???

I just started Lost in Time today. I really enjoy thas series. The Chosen One was great, as was Jessica's Guide. Hope Santa is nice this year! Here is my list
i totally want shattered souls. the cover has been calling out to me since i first saw it. i hope you enjoy. merry christmas!
my imm
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