Released : 31th October 2011
Series :Yes
Format :Kindle
Source : Review copy from Author via Smashwords
Buy at : Amazon | Amazon UK |Barnes & Noble | Smashwords
Author Site: Brina Courtney
Goodreads Synopsis:
Jeremy has no last name. His family has left him at Marksville Orphanage in rural eastern Virginia, hoping to find work during the end of the Great Depression. Unfortunately Jeremy is never adopted, because HE intervened before Jeremy ever had the chance. Ignite is just a piece of his story. Don’t miss Reveal, the next installment in the Cryptid Tales available December 16, 2011.
My review:
I was given a copy of this book to review by the author.
Ignite is basically the starter before the main course. It’s a (very) short story about Jeremy and how he came to be at the Marksville Orphanage. This story gives us a bit of background about Jeremy and his life at the Orphanage. Then a terrible tragedy strikes and his world is never the same.
The book is quite dark and certainly sets a grim scene for Jeremy’s life. At times it has a very eerie and creepy feel to it. The story is well written and the style of writing is very fluid and easy to read.
Ok so my only niggle is that this is a short story and with short stories comes a lack of depth and detail. There are so many things I want to learn about this character and also who is the mysterious dark stranger?? As I said before this is just the starter, this book has whet my appetite and I want to read Reveal, which is the next book in the Criptid Tales series.
Rating 4/5 - I thought it was a good introduction to the main book Reveal which is out on the 16th December 2011.
Cover Rating: 4/5 - this sets a dark and creepy scene. Well fitting to the story.
About the author:
Brina Courtney is a young adult author obsessed with chocolate, crime shows, and fantasy movies. She lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with her husband and two very loud, small dogs.
** I will be taking part in the up-coming blog tour of Reveal on the 15th December. So keep your eyes peeled!! There will be an interview with Brina and a review of Reveal :D

I need to read this one. Thanks for the review!!
Well, creepy and eerie are just my cup of tea. Will definitely be adding this to my TBR pile. :)
This looks great - incredible cover!
Bri is a sweetheart! <3 Can't wait to read the book!
Looks good. I like the cover. :)
This was a super good introduction book! Reveal ROCKED!! If you liked this you'll really enjoy it. It was the 1st review to go up on my blog :)
Short stories can be in-depth and intriguing if well written, but I guess in this case perhaps it is more of a reading preference? I don't mind dark books so long as there seems to be some form of reconciliation or character development. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book.
Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez
this sounds very good thank you
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