Every Wednesday, Dani at Pen To Paper features Wishlist Wednesday,
a meme in which you can list a book that you really
want to read or keep meaning to get. These are books
that you want to add to your wishlist, and believe me
there are plenty! I've decided to use Dani's feature
every Wednesday :)
So what do you need to do to join in?
- Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
- Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
- Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
- Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of her post.
- Put a link back to pen to paper (http://www.pentopaperblog.com/) somewhere in your post.
- Visit the other blogs and enjoy!
So here is my book for this weeks Wishlist Wednesday:
Goodreads Synopsis:
Four nearly identical girls on a desert island. An unexpected new arrival. A gently warped near future where nothing is quite as it seems.
Veronika. Caroline. Isobel. Eleanor. One blond, one brunette, one redhead, one with hair black as tar. Four otherwise identical girls who spend their days in sync, tasked to learn. But when May, a very different kind of girl—the lone survivor of a recent shipwreck—suddenly and mysteriously arrives on the island, an unsettling mirror is about to be held up to the life the girls have never before questioned.
Sly and unsettling, Gordon Dahlquist’s timeless and evocative storytelling blurs the lines between contemporary and sci-fi with a story that is sure to linger in readers’ minds long after the final page has been turned.
I thought this one sounded a bit different to what I'd normally read. I thought the sound of a contemporary novel crossed with a sci-fi sounded an interesting mix. The cover is brilliant, I love it. I'd buy this book for the cover alone. I hope I get a copy soon! It's been out since February 2013, so has been around a little while.
Goodreads Synopsis:
Four nearly identical girls on a desert island. An unexpected new arrival. A gently warped near future where nothing is quite as it seems.
Veronika. Caroline. Isobel. Eleanor. One blond, one brunette, one redhead, one with hair black as tar. Four otherwise identical girls who spend their days in sync, tasked to learn. But when May, a very different kind of girl—the lone survivor of a recent shipwreck—suddenly and mysteriously arrives on the island, an unsettling mirror is about to be held up to the life the girls have never before questioned.
Sly and unsettling, Gordon Dahlquist’s timeless and evocative storytelling blurs the lines between contemporary and sci-fi with a story that is sure to linger in readers’ minds long after the final page has been turned.
I thought this one sounded a bit different to what I'd normally read. I thought the sound of a contemporary novel crossed with a sci-fi sounded an interesting mix. The cover is brilliant, I love it. I'd buy this book for the cover alone. I hope I get a copy soon! It's been out since February 2013, so has been around a little while.
If you've chosen a book for Wishlist Wednesday be sure to leave a link in the comment section below and I'll check it out!!
I got this one from NetGalley... it does sound great! I'll have to get to it when I've finished my degree in a couple of weeks :)
Great pick hun xxx
Never heard of it but looks really good. I have to check it out. :D
Hope you get it soon!
First of all - I just LOVE your blog design! Sooo cute! And this book sounds really interesting, too. Normally, I'm a bit hesitant when it comes to Sci-Fi. Then again, all the books I read were actually really good (Staters or Partials, for example) I hope you get your hands on this one soon!
This sounds really interesting. It would be different from what I normally read too. The synopsis is kind of vague so my interest is peaked! Hope you get it soon!
Brittany @ Spare Time Book Blog
My WW: http://sparetimebookblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/wishlist-wednesday-44.html
I never heard of this book before. And yet, I am intrigued by it. Sounds sort of a sci-fi-ish. I need to read this. :D
Sounds interesting! I like the concept -- guess I'll need to check this one out!
This one sounds really good! :D
Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews
I saw this book when it was on NetGalley and I can't wait to read it. Sounds like a pretty interesting book! Hope you get to read it!
Here's my WW!
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