
Monday 11 June 2012

Musing Mondays #8

Musing Mondays is a weekly feature hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.  Each week MizB asks a book related question and we have to give our answers.

This week’s musing asks…

 What is the longest book you have ever read? How long did it take you to read it?

The longest book I have ever tackled in my life was a whopper.  I had to read it sat at a table because it used to be too heavy to hold for long periods of time.  I was 14 at the time and I borrowed the whole complete The Lord of the Rings series by J R R Tolkien, it came in one book and boy was it massive!  

A few of my friends had checked it out the library, but they couldn't manage to finish it.  I did manage it!!  But it took me two months to read.  The librarian was very understanding and gave me extensions.  But I am pleased I finished this mammoth tome as it was a brilliant book.  I was so thrilled they made films from the books, as it was lovely to revisit it later on in life.



Mirjam said...

I have no idea what the longest book is that I have ever tackled. It might well be The Lord Of The Rings. I'm glad your librarian was so understanding and let you have it long enough for you to finish it. It's a great work, after all! :)

caite said...

lol...14...LotR..yep, that sounds familiar. except I have no idea it took because I had my very own copy of the paperbacks.

Kwizgiver said...

I'm a loyal Stephen King fan, so I've read a lot of his tomes. I didn't make it through LotR when I picked it up a zillion years ago.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

As I visit posts, I am reminded of other chunksters I've read...I don't choose them very often these days due to how HEAVY they are physically...lol


Unknown said...

I still haven't gotten around to reading Lord of the Rings. It does look a bit intimidating when LOL


Lauren @ Northern Plunder said...

I have those on my to read list, they're sat staring at me at the moment! Hopefully I can get round to them soon :P

Here is my Musing Mondays post.
Lauren from Northern Plunder

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