This weeks Top Ten list is:
Top Ten Books On My Spring To-Be-Read list
Scarlet by A C Gaughen - This is a review book from Netgalley. I think it's going to be my next one to read as I have been looking forward to reading it.

To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. I have been promising my friend Julie I would read this book. She read it about a month ago and thought it was brilliant. I did say I would get it read, it is one book I have been meaning to read for years and years.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - Seeing as though the Hunger Games is coming out as a film I thought I'd best get book two in the series read. No excuse really for not reading this as I loved the Hunger Games. It's also a book I've listed in the 2012 tbr Pile Reading Challege
Partials by Dan Wells - This is a review book from Netgalley. I really need to crack on with some more review books. This one looks fantastic, I am really really looking forward to reading it.

Everneath by Brodi Ashton - This one I am really looking forward to. I haven't had it long but I am dying to read it. The blurb sounds wonderful :)

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver - I really enjoyed Delirium and look forward to seeing what happens next. One of those books I have been really looking forward to being released.
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake - This book had been on my wishlist for months, so it was lovely to be able to get my hands on a copy. I can't wait to read it.
I want to read a couple of those as well. Looks like some great spring reading! kaye—the road goes ever ever on
I love The Parasol Protectorate Series. Partials is on my TBR List as well it just didn't make my Top Ten. I have heard great things about it and am excited to read.
Here's my Top Ten Tuesday
Happy Spring Reading
Amanda @ Sisters Unedited
Pandemonium is my number one! Can't wait to read it. I just finished Everneath and was very happy wtih it. Enjoy your reading!
I suppose I should have added The Big Over Easy to mine as well - but I'm going to be reading more than 10 books in the Spring, anyway, haha!!
Pandemonium and Straight to Hell are amazing :) I think you'll love both! I'm looking forward to getting the Straight to Heaven eBook review copies as well! :) It's going to be awesome! I need to update the blog tour schedule actually, haha!
Argh - so much to do and read, and so little time!
24 hour a day reading would be awesome (as long as I could take breaks to blog ;P)
Dani xx
Awesome books! I really want to read Partials and Scarlet -- they both look great! Divergent and Anna are both wonderful reads ... happy reading! :)
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite High School reads. So so good. I'd love to go back and re-read it.
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