Every Thursday, Jodie at Books For Company hosts The Time Will Come, a weekly meme in which we list a book that we really want to read or keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books that have been on the TBR shelf for awhile now but also they can be books that have just come into my home. I have a massive to-read pile, it seems to be growing by the day.....
If you'd like to join in?
If you'd like to join in?
- Pick a book you have been meaning to read
- Do a post telling us about the book
- Link the post up in the linky on Jodie's blog.
- Visit the other blogs!
Here is my choice for this weeks Time Will Come:
Goodreads Synopsis:
The companion guide to the hysterical television show of the same name, in which Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant force their arrestingly simple pal Karl Pilkington on a global journey "He'd have been happier in medieval times in a village where you didn't travel beyond the local community." —Stephen Merchant
A cult celebrity due to his role in The Ricky Gervais Show, the most-downloaded podcast ever, Karl Pilkington has been accused of being a comic creation, so unburdened is he by complex thought—but that is truly just him. The trio's newest project mines Karl massive provinciality: put simply, Karl is not big on traveling. Given the choice, he'll go on vacation to Devon or Wales or, if pushed, eat English food on a package tour of the Mediterranean.
So what happened when he was convinced by Gervais and Merchant to go on an epic adventure to see the Seven Wonders of the World? Does travel truly broaden the mind? Find out in Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries.
I've been a big fan of this tv show as I love the dry humour of Karl Pilkington. He's faced some tough challenges and sometimes I can't blame him for being a bit stubborn and bad tempered. So when I saw this book I thought it would be good to re-cap some of those moments and read about Karl's hilarious travels. I've got it sat waiting to be read on the kindle and I do hope I get a chance to read it soon. One to definitely lift the spirits ;)
What books do you have on your bookcase that you just can't wait to read?

Ohh my BF loves watching this! It is very funny. Never knew it was in a book too.
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