
Monday 12 September 2016

***Review*** Countdown by Michelle Rowen

 Released: September 2013
Series: No
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Format: Digital copy
Source: From Netgalley
Find at: Goodreads | Amazon UK

Author Site: Michelle Rowen

Many thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for my copy, this is in exchange for an honest review.


 3 seconds left to live. Once the countdown starts, it cannot be stopped.

2 pawns thrown into a brutal underground reality game.

Kira Jordan survived her family's murder and months on plague-devastated city streets with hard-won savvy and a low-level psi ability. She figures she can handle anything. Until she wakes up in a barren room, chained next to the notorious Rogan Ellis.

1 reason Kira will never, ever trust Rogan. Even though both their lives depend on it.

Their every move is controlled and televised for a vicious exclusive audience. And as Kira's psi skill unexpectedly grows and Rogan's secrets prove evermore deadly, Kira's only chance of survival is to risk trusting him as much as her instincts. Even if that means running head-on into the one trap she can't escape.


My Review: 

The synopsis of this book really leapt out at me, it sounded exciting and dangerous.  To say the least I was intrigued.

The book starts of with a bang, it was on the edge of the seat stuff, but, and yes there is a but, it fizzled out for me.  I just could not connect with the characters and this was huge negative for me.  I felt the chemistry between Kira and Rogan didn't feel all there.  So from a few chapters in I started losing interest.  I did want to finish it, so I could give it a chance, but it was not as gripping as I'd hoped.

I'm not saying this book is all bad, the basis of the story is interesting and there's a lot of action.  It's just not for me. It was like seeing a really mouthwatering  cake, but biting into it and finding it a bit stale.

The ending tied everything up nicely, with a few plot twists thrown in for good measure.  I was hovering on a two star award but this did just scrape a three.  

Overall: Started off well, but not for me.

My Thoughts on the Cover: I love it, it's so striking.


aparajita said...

hmmm ..... it would seem I liked the book more than you did. The setting to the story is definitely a good different.

Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

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