
Monday 18 November 2013

***Review*** The Day I Met Suzie by Chris Higgins

Released: 7th March 2013
Publisher: Hodder
Series: No
Format: ARC
Source: From Publisher for review purposes
Find At: Goodreads | Amazon UK | The Book Depository

Author Site: Chris Higgins

Many thanks to the Publisher for my review copy, this is in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads Synopsis:

'My boyfriend could get into trouble if he gets caught. He could go to jail.' I moan softly. 'So could I.' 'Anything you tell me is completely confidential.' I sigh deeply. What have I got to lose? 'I wouldn't know where to begin.' 'At the beginning?' she says. 'In your own words.' So that's what I do. I start at the beginning like she says. The day I met Suzie. Indigo (Indie) rings the Samaritans. She is frightened and desperate with no one to turn to. Over the course of one long night, Indie tells her story to the person on the end of the phone. She realises that her friend Suzie has taken over her home, her friends, her work, her boyfriend - and her life. After every few chapters we are brought back to the present moment, and see how piecing the story together helps Indie progress towards resolution.
My Review

Not a bad plot line but not enough to keep me wholly engaged with this book.  I started to read this and about halfway through lost the urge, so I put it down and it ended up being sat on my bedside table for about three months, left unread.  Then I though you know I really need to finish this book, so I did.  It was OK, nothing spectacular but on the whole an OK read.  I am glad I read the whole book as I was tempted just to not finish it.

I could see the major plot twist coming off a mile away, so no surprise when it panned out the way I thought it would.  The only bit that saved this book going in the two star rating was that it really did get interesting towards the end.  Which by far was the best bit of the book.  The start and finish was a bit bleh.

I can't say that I connected with the main character Indie, maybe this why why it left me feeling a little lukewarm.  Even Scarlett AKA Suzie wasn't that interesting either, yes she was manipulative that was the most interesting part about her character.  I hated Indie's boyfriend Rick, I would have sent him packing a long time ago, his whole behaviour throughout did not endear me to him. So for me not a likeable character among the lot of them.

I would say maybe give this book a try, just because I found it lukewarm does not mean everyone will.

 photo 3-star.png
Not really for me, it was OK but that was about it.

My Thoughts on the Cover:
I do like the cover, it's fun it's funky and it does catch the eye.  I would certainly head towards this type of cover in the bookstore.



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