Every Wednesday, Dani at Pen To Paper features Wishlist Wednesday,
a meme in which you can list a book that you really
want to read or keep meaning to get. These are books
that you want to add to your wishlist, and believe me
there are plenty! I've decided to use Dani's feature
every Wednesday :)
So what do you need to do to join in?
- Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
- Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
- Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
- Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of her post.
- Put a link back to pen to paper (http://www.pentopaperblog.com/) somewhere in your post.
- Visit the other blogs and enjoy!
So here is my book for this weeks Wishlist Wednesday:
Goodreads Synopsis:This electrifying new trilogy blends the best of paranormal and dystopian storytelling in a world where the war is over. And the vampires won.
Humans huddle in their walled cities, supplying blood in exchange for safety. But not even that is guaranteed. Dawn has lost her entire family and now reluctantly serves as the delegate to Lord Valentine, the most powerful vampire for miles. It isn’t until she meets Victor, Valentine’s son, that she realizes not all vampires are monsters....
Darkness Before Dawn is a fresh new story with captivating characters, unexpected plot twists, a fascinating setting, and a compelling voice. Written under the name J. A. London by a talented mother-son team, the trilogy is perfect for fans of True Blood and the House of Night and Morganville Vampires series.
It was the cover that first initially drew me to the book. It is something I would normally reach for in the bookshops. After reading the blurb I've decided that it ticks all the right boxes, I love dystopian worlds and vampires and this book has both. Fangtastic lol. So on the wishlist it goes. It looks like it was released yesterday, so I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Hopefully it will be soon :D